Follow the below steps to import your contacts into the CRM Pro Module:
- You will first need to export your contacts in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format from your existing contact management solution
- If you are exporting your contacts from an existing CRM system please consult their guidance for exporting contacts
- Here is an article on how to export your contacts from Outlook and below are the steps to export your Gmail contacts to csv:
- Go to Google Contacts.
- To select contacts, check the boxes that appear next to their names.
- Click More
- To back up your contacts, select Google CSV.
- To save your file, click Export.
- Once you have your csv of contacts, then navigate on the main menu in navigate to Contacts>Import Contacts per the screenshot below and follow the onscreen guidance to import them
Notes on the import process:
- The import process will look for matches on duplicate records within your import sheet, or records which are in your import sheet that are duplicates of existing contact records in PAS
- Contacts are considered duplicates only if all mapped fields are the same
- Definition of Import Options:
- "Ignore Duplicates": When it finds matches, the record is skipped in the import process
- "Treat Duplicates as Errors":
- When it finds matches within your import spreadsheet, it will create an amended sheet to download where the first column will have the word "duplicate" in both rows and it will not import either duplicate row
- When it finds a match within your existing PAS contacts, it will mark the word "duplicate" in the first column of the sheet and not import it
- "Duplicates in import replace the original contact": When it finds matches, it deletes the existing contact and re-ads the contact based on the data from your import spreadsheet
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